vocabulary of Advertising

samedi 28 décembre 2013

1 ad abbr. advertisement - advert abbr.

2 advertisement n. item of publicity for a product or service, in magazine, on TV etc

3 advertising agency n. company specialising in producing and placing advertisements for clients

4 AIDA abbr. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - the objective of most advertisements

5 benefit n. advantage of a product or service, usually derived from its features

6 billboardUS n. signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; hoardingUK

7 circulation n. average number of copies of a magazine sold in a particular period

8 classified ads n. small advertisements in magazine or newspaper categorised by subject
9 commercial n. paid advertisement on radio or TV

10 coupon n. part of a printed advertisement used for ordering goods, samples etc

11 double-page spread n. advertisement printed across 2 pages in a magazine or newspaper

12 eye-catcherUS n. something that especially attracts one’s attention - eye-catching adj.

13 features n. special characteristics of a product, usually leading to certain benefits

14 hoardingUK n. signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; billboardUS

15 poster n. large sheet of paper, usually illustrated, used as advertisement

16 prime time n. hours on radio & TV with largest audience, esp. the evening hours

17 promote v. to (try to) increase sales of a product by publicising and advertising it

18 slot n. specific time in a broadcasting schedule, when a commercial may be
19 target n. objective; what one is aiming at - target audience n.

20 U.S.P. abbr. Unique Selling Proposition; what makes a product different from

Facebook Vocabulary in use


An entry (update, comment, etc.) on Facebook
Status Update

A single idea, concisely stated, that reflects your
current circumstance or state of mind, which you share on your wall and in
your followers news feed;
blogging feature which allows users to
inform their friends of their current whereabouts, actions, or thoughts.

Home Page
First page you will see after logging in; acts like a desktop giving
an overview of activity and updates as well as links to other pages

A person who has joined a page because they like what that page represents.

A calendar based resource that users can add to their profiles, pages and groups that lets them share news about upcoming affairs or social gatherings.


small programs that are added to a Facebook accounts to enhance the user’s experience through games or features


Marking a photo, video or post with text that identifies the image or the person



A featured section inside a Facebook profile; found on every user's profile page and allows friends and users themselves to post messages for all to see.

News Feed

the center column of your home page
is a constantly updating list of stories from people and Pages that you follow on Facebook.
The stream shows you posts from your friends in real time.

Marks different sections within a profile.
Profile page
Displays a users/organization’s personalized information as well as interactions with others .


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