Vocabulary of money

mardi 31 décembre 2013

Account: a record of money a person deposits into a bank
Balance: the difference between credits and debits in an account
Bank: a building in which commercial banking is transacted.
Bank charges: money paid to a bank for the bank's services etc.
Banker’s draft: a cheque drawn on the bank (or building society) itself against either a cash deposit or funds taken directly from your own bank account.
Barter: to trade without using money.
Borrow: to ask for the temporary use of money on the condition of repayment and at a set rate of interest.
Branch: local office or bureau of a bank
Building society: a building society is like a bank, but it is owned by its members - savers and borrowers - and not by shareholders. Its traditional purpose was to lend money to individuals to purchase or remortgage their homes.
Cashflow: cash earnings minus cash outflows for fixed- and working-capital investment.
Cashier: an employee of a bank or building society who receives and pays out money.
Chequebook: book containing detachable cheques
Cheque: written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from one's account
Counterfeit: fake money made in order to deceive - also v.
Credit: money in a bank a/c; sum added to a bank a/c; money lent by a bank - also v.
Credit card: (plastic) card from a bank authorising the purchasing of goods on credit
Currency: money that is used by a country such as the United Kingdom.
Current account: bank a/c from which money may be drawn at any time; checking account US
Debit: a sum deducted from a bank account, as for a cheque - also v.
Debit card: you use a debit card in much the same way as a credit card but instead of receiving credit after making your purchase, the funds are automatically (within a few days usually) withdrawn from your bank account.
Debt: the state of owing something (especially money).
Denomination: a number that expresses the value of a coin or bill. A five pound note and a ten pound note represent two denominations.
Deposit: an amount of money placed with a bank
Deposit account: bank a/c on which interest is paid; savings account US.
Fill in: to add written information to a document to make it complete.
Interest: money paid for borrowing money, or money that a bank or building society pays a customer for putting money into their bank.
Interest rate: the percentage of an amount of money which is paid for the use of that money over a period of time.
Lend: to give the temporary use of money on the condition of repayment and at a set rate of interest.
Loan: money lent by a bank etc and that must be repaid with interest - also v.
Mortgage: most of us do not buy our homes outright for cash - instead we borrow money to do so.
Overdraft: deficit in a bank account caused by withdrawing more money than is paid in
Pay in: to deposit or put money in to a bank account
Payee: person to whom money is paid
Paying-in slip: small document recording money that you pay in to a bank account
Pence: plural of penny.
Standing order: an instruction to a bank to make regular payments
Statement: a record of transactions in a bank account
Withdraw: to take money out of a bank account
Withdrawal: the act of taking out money.

Twitter Vocabulary in use

Twitter Handle: Also known as a username. This is the name you select to represent yourself on Twitter.

To Follow: To subscribe to someone‘s updates on Twitter. You do this by clicking the “Follow” button on that specific person‘s Twitter page, which can be found at http://twitter.com/USERNAME.
(Insert the specific person‘s username into the URL, like http://twitter.com/ccvetsjvp). When you follow someone, their updates will be displayed on your Twitter homepage so you know what they are doing.

To Follow Back: To subscribe to the updates of someone who has recently started following you. In Twitter‘s notifications settings, you can indicate whether you‘d like to receive an email alert whenever a new person follows you receive. In the email, there will be a link to that person‘s profile. By clicking the link, you can check out who they are and decide to follow them back or not. It is not required to follow everyone back, but many people like to.

Follower: A person who has subscribed to receive your updates. You can view your total number of followers on your Twitter profile page.

Update: Also known as a tweet. Each update can be no longer than 140-characters. You can post an update in the white text box under “What‘s Happening?”

@Reply: A public message sent from one Twitter user to another by putting @USERNAME anywhere within the body of the tweet.

Direct Message (or DM): A private message sent from one Twitter user to another by either clicking the “message” link on their profile or typing D USERNAME. Think of it as Twitter‘s version of an email/inbox.

Twitter Stream: A list of a person‘s real-time updates. Every time you post an update, it goes into your Twitter stream, which is found on your account page also at http://twitter.com/USERNAME.

Tweet-Up: An event specifically organized for Twitter users to meet up and network, usually informally.

Hashtag (#): A Twitter tagging system used to aggregate the conversation surrounding an event, topic, or theme. Hashtags can easily be created by combining a # with a word, acronym, or phrase (#WORD) and used as a tag within tweets.

Retweet (or RT): To repeat what someone else has already tweeted. People do this if someone has said something especially valuable and they want their own network to see the information too.
Example: Retweet @USERNAME: Check out this cool resource

Twitter Lists: Public lists that any Twitter user can create. Twitter Lists generate Twitter streams that include specific Twitter users.
Example: One list HubSpot has created displays tweets from HubSpot employees who tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/list/HubSpot/hubspotters

Trending Topics: Displayed on the right-hand side of your Twitter homepage, trending topics are words, phrases, or hashtags that are popular (trending) on Twitter at a given time. These can be organized by location and are updated in real time.

Promoted Tweets: Tweets that have been supported and promoted by paid marketing. Think of them as the pay-per-click of Twitter.

Some Real Estate Terms Definitions

ABATEMENT - In a lease, the reduction or elimination of rent for a period of time. For
example, as an inducement to a tenant to rent a particular space, the landlord may abate
the rent for a period of months while the tenant remodels the space.

ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION - Depreciation methods that allow a taxpayer to take
faster write-offs than with straight-line during the early part of an asset’s useful life.

ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION - The sum of annual depreciation deductions taken
to date. Also, accrued depreciation.

ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE (ARM) - A mortgage loan in which the interest rate
is not constant over the life of the loan, but is adjusted periodically according to a
predetermined formula or index.

ADJUSTED BASIS - The original cost of an asset, such as real estate, plus capital
improvements, less accumulated depreciation and costs of sale. The taxable gain at the
time of sale is, in general, the selling price less the adjusted basis.

ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME (AGI) - Gross income less certain adjustments, including
IRA, alimony and Keogh deductions. Used to determine the investor’s passive loss
allowance, which begins to phase out when the investor’s AGI reaches $100,000 and is
completely eliminated at $150,000.

ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX (AMT) - A tax that may be triggered if certain tax
benefits, such as passive losses and accelerated depreciation, reduce an individual’s
income tax liability. You must use Federal tax form 6251 to determine if you are subject
to the Alternative Minimum Tax.

AMORTIZATION - a) The process through which a loan is retired over time through
periodic repayment of the principal. b) The process of taking a partial annual tax
deduction for an item that cannot be expensed in a single year. For example, points paid
to secure a loan must typically be deducted (amortized) over the life of that loan.

ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE (ADS) - The total of all payments on a mortgage loan,
including both interest and principal, for a year.

ANNUAL PROPERTY OPERATING DATA (APOD) - A form that lists a property’s
gross income, individual operating expenses and net operating income. An APOD is
similar to a business profit-and-loss statement.

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